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Обращение к астрономическому сообществу Украины и мира — To the astronomical community of Ukraine and the world

В редакцию пришло обращение от Украинской астрономической ассоциации по поводу проведения в Крыму Всероссийской астрономической конференции. Эта конференция (ВАК) проводится регулярно в разных местах. Решение о месте проведения данной конференции принято Научным советом по астрономии РАН.

Нетрудно было догадаться, что решение окажется конфликтным, причем основные конфликты впереди. Наш долг — опубликовать сообщение в том виде, в каком оно прислано (на английском). Попробуем в текущем номере ТрВ-Наука дать наш комментарий.

To the astronomical community of Ukraine and the world

Dear colleagues,
The non-governmental organization “Ukrainian Astronomical Association” (UAA) would like to bring the consolidated position of the UAA Council on the decision of the Scientific Council for Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) as concerns with the holding of the All-Russian Astronomical Conference (BAK-2017) in Yalta, Crimea, on September 17-22, 2017.

We consider that the organization of scientific conferences in the illegal annexed Crimea is an element of the hybrid war led by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It is obvious that the members of the Scientific Council for Astronomy of RAS could not fail to know the position of Ukraine, the European Union, the United States and other countries regarding the status of the annexed Crimea as well as sanctions against organizations and individuals visiting the Crimea bypassing the current legislation of Ukraine and the UN decision. Participation in such conferences of astronomers from Ukraine and the world will testify to their support for the annexation of the Crimea by the Russian Federation.

We express concern with such decision of the Scientific Council for Astronomy of RAS and hope that it does not reflect the position of the majority of Russian astronomers, with whom we cooperated and, we hope, will have fruitful cooperation. We urge the astronomers of Ukraine and the world, which are worthy of universal values, not to participate in scientific astronomical conferences organized on the territory of the annexed Crimea.

On behalf of the UAA Council,
UAA President, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Yaroslav Yatskiv

Документ в виде PDF-файла: UAAvsVAK_eng.pdf

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